Dec 1, 2011

Date Night

Most people (probably everybody looks forward to Friday), but I love Thursday nights. Why? You probably wondering. Well It's my husband and I date night. Thursday night is the night we take time out to catch up on each others busy schedule and life, or simply just spending time with each other. Sometimes we go to a five star restaurant, sometimes the movies, sometimes a cheap restaurant, or just simply for a walk on the riverfront. It is important to leave the blackberry (crackberry), iPhone, computers, and television and just spend time with each other without the distraction. We all know that they are the big distractions in our lives. So spend some quality time with your love ones (i.e. husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, daughter, son, mother etc...) and especially since the holidays season is right around the corner. Can you believe it's December already? My, oh my where did 2011 went. I'm so grateful to be home, and have my husband home this holiday season. Last year I spent: Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and almost a Birthday in Iraq. It was not easy it was the hardest, but the best year of my life. I've learnt a lot, and missed a lot. I commend my husband to the highest degree because I don't know how he did it three years in a row. Once was enough for me. So with that said, cherish, love, and appreciate your love ones.
What is your favorite day of the week?

Happy December! 